The 1513 pocket edition of Vitruvius (8°) was reprinted seven years later by Filippo Giunta’s heirs in the same format. New italic font characters were used ; the engraved initials were deleted. As the title suggests (libri nuper maxima diligentia castigati), Vitruvius’s text was revised and improved. Since Giocondo had died in 1515, he could not be of help, as he had been in 1513. However the same woodcuts were used for the illustrations. Frédérique Lemerle Critical bibliographyGiovanni Giocondo umanista, architetto e antiquario, a cura di P. Gros & P. N. Pagliara, Venice, Marsilio, 2015. F. Lemerle (ed.), Les Annotations de Guillaume Philandrier sur le De architectura de Vitruve, Livres I à IV, Introduction, translation and commentary, Paris, Picard, 2000. F. Lemerle (ed.), Guillaume Philandrier, Les Annotations sur l’Architecture de Vitruve, Livres V à VII, Introduction, translation and commentary, Paris, Garnier, 2011. F. Lemerle, “Philandrier et Giocondo”, Giovanni Giocondo umanista, architetto e antiquario, a cura di P. Gros & P. N. Pagliara, Venice, Marsilio, 2014, pp. 183-192. F. Lemerle & Y. Pauwels, Architectures de papier. La France et l’Europe (XVIe-XVIIe siècles), Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, pp. 18, 31-32.