Author(s) |
Bullant, Jean |
Title |
Reigle generalle d’architecture... |
Imprint |
Paris, J. Marnef & G. Cavellat, 1564 |
Localisation |
Paris, Ensba, Les 1537 |
Subject |
Antiquities, Orders |
The Reigle
published by Jean Bullant for the first time in 1564 is a brief treatise,
devoted solely to architectural orders, as was the Regola of
Vignola. The latter had just appeared in Rome, in 1562. As in the Italian
treatise, images predominate ; as this treatise appears in its first
edition, the text of the Reigle was almost entirely borrowed
from Jean Martin’s two translations, from Vitruvius (1547), which
provided the introduction, and Alberti’s (1553) which constitutes
the essential part of the text (the passages written by the author are
in italics in the transcription of the text). These borrowings are clearly
attributed in the word to the reader.
Thus the
originality of the treatise rests principally in the illustrations,
presented very methodically, following the henceforth classic sequence
of the five orders, theoretical examples alternating with antique examples.
This discourse in images remains totally independent from the text,
with no connection between them, neither in the forms nor in the demonstrative
logic. For we know that Alberti proceeded in an analytic way, successively
describing the different parts of the order : column, base, capital
and entablature ; on the other hand, Bullant, faithful student of Serlio,
followed his procedure by studying the orders one after the other in
a more synthetic way.
Thus Serlio
imposed the method but also the morphology. The theoretical models Bullant
proposed are almost the same as those in the Quarto libro.
But Bullant proceeded with new rigour. The selection he made is incorporated
in a logic appropriate for the very conception of his book, conceived
as a "règle" and arranged as such. A theoretical Tuscan
example - the exordium - introduces a development in three points :
Doric, Ionic and Corinthian, with two abstract examples for each order,
two archeological examples and one portal. A composite model and the
plans of the order of the arch of Titus sum up the report. In any case
Serlio’s models are modernised. Bullant takes up the principle
of the volute with twelve centers of Barbaro’s Vitruvius (Venice,
1556), and cites it respectfully. An unshakeable logic systematically
apportions the variations of detail between the two models (for example,
for the Ionic, the Attic base or Ionic base, the Serlian volute or the
volute with twelve centers, the dentil cornice or modillion cornice).
also innovated in using a purely geometric system of representation,
inspired by Hans Blum’s treatise Quinque columnarum exacta
descriptio atque delineato cum symmetrica earum distributione (Zurich,
1550) with which he must have been acquainted through its 1551 translation
in French in Antwerp entitled Les cinq coulomnes de l’architecture
by Hans Liefrinck. The link between the two works is indicated in the
title page : the Reigle is offered there "au prouffit
de tous ouvriers besongnans au compas & à l’esquierre",
which mentions precisely the title page of Blum’s French edition
"Au service et prouffit des painctres, massons, tailleurs de pierre,
orfevres, tailleurs d’images, menuisiers, charpentiers, &
d’aultres ouvries besongnans au compas & a l’equierre".
Moreover, Bullant had a very particular way of treating the column flutings,
systematically placing an edge in the axis of the capital. This placing,
very rare, can be found in all of Blum’s plates, which no doubt
set an example for Bullant.
This system,
based on circles, half-circles or graduated rulers, allows one to understand
the proportions and the relations of the parts to each other without
consulting the text, which was still necessary when consulting Serlio’s
treatise. As the author of a treatise on geometry of undoubted force,
a disciple of Oronce Fine, Bullant could not fail to appreciate the
strength of the graphic demonstration that the German put into practice.
As for the
antique examples, Bullant could have discovered them during a trip to
Rome which can be deduced from the text of the dedication to the maréchal
de Montmorency. But his sources could also have come from books. In
fact he confined himself to the great classics found in most of the
collections of contemporary drawings or in Serlio’s Terzo
libro : the Doric order of the theatre of Marcellus, the Ionic
columns of this same theatre and of the temple of Portumnus, known during
the Renaissance as temple "of Virile Fortune", the Corinthian
columns of the Pantheon and of the temple of the Dioscuri, the composite
order of the arch of Titus. A single rarity : a supposedly antique Doric
example, about which Bullant gave details in the 1598 edition, writing
that it came "d’un arc triomphal, qui se voit à present
à vingt-sept milles de Rome". But no other treatise reproduced
these rather original profiles, and its authenticity seems doubtful
insofar as the frieze is literally a copy of a plate from Barbaro.
The Ensba
copy for consultation is exceptional, for it was increased by copper
plates dated 1564 and 1566, in fact probably planned by Bullant to accompany
the second considerably expanded edition of the Reigle published
in 1568. Curiously, none of the copies of this last edition which we
have been able to consult had kept these engravings. They appear only
in the form of separate leaves and, in the case of the large engraving
representing the five orders, in the present copy alone.
Yves Pauwels (
Centre d’études supérieures
de la Renaissance
, Tours) – 2006
Critical bibliography
F.-C. James, Jean Bullant. Recherches sur l'architecture française
au XVIème siècle, Diss. Ecole nationale des Chartes,
1968 ; abstract in Ecole nationale des Chartes, Positions de thèses,
1968, pp. 101-109.
V. Hoffmann, "Artisti francesi a Roma : Philibert Delorme et Jean
Bullant", Colloqui Sodalizio, 4, 1973-1974, pp. 8-18.
A. Linzeler & J. Adhémar, Inventaire du fonds français.
Graveurs du seizième siècle, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, 1932,
1, pp. 208-209.
Y. Pauwels, "Les antiques romains dans les traités de Philibert
De L’Orme et Jean Bullant", Mélanges de l’Ecole
française de Rome-Italie et Méditerranée,
106, 1994-2, pp. 531-547.
Y. Pauwels, "Jean Bullant et le langage des ordres : les audaces
d’un timide", Gazette des Beaux Arts, 129, feb.
1997, pp. 85-100.
Y. Pauwels, "Leon Battista Alberti et les théoriciens français
du XVIe siècle : le traité de Jean Bullant", Albertiana,
2, 1999, pp. 101-114.
Y. Pauwels, L’architecture au temps de le Pléiade,
Paris, Montfort, 2002.
Y. Pauwels, "Serlio et le vitruvianisme français de la
Renaissance : Goujon, Bullant, De l’Orme", S. Deswarte-Rosa (ed.), Sebastiano Serlio à Lyon. Architecture et imprimerie, Lyon, Mémoire
Active, 2004, pp. 410-417.
Y. Pauwels, "La Reigle generalle d’Architecture de
Jean Bullant à Paris en 1564", S. Deswarte-Rosa (ed.),
Sebastiano Serlio à Lyon. Architecture et imprimerie, Lyon, Mémoire Active,
2004, pp. 438-439.
Y. Pauwels, "La fortune de la Reigle de Jean Bullant",
Journal de la Renaissance, 3, 2005, pp. 111-119.
Y. Pauwels, "Hans Blum et les Français, 1550-1650", Scholion. Mitteilungsblatt der Stiftung Bibliothek Werner Oechslin, 6, 2010, pp. 77-88.