Author(s) |
Colonna, Francesco
Béroalde de Verville, François |
Title |
Le tableau des riches inventions...
Imprint |
Paris, M. Guillemot, 1600 |
Localisation |
Tours, Cesr SR/3A (4023) |
Subject |
Architecture, Gardens |
Transcribed version of the text
The text
which was printed at Mathieu Guillemot's shop in 1600 opened a new chapter
in the career of Francesco Colonna's Hypnerotomachia Poliphili
which was already known as the Poliphile to French readers
since the appearance of Jean Martin's translation, published by Kerver
in 1546 and 1554. This new version was prepared by François Béroalde
de Verville, the author of several teeming mannerist novels typical
of the taste of that period, who left his mark on Colonna's text starting
with the title. We no longer read an Hypnerotomachia Poliphili
or even a simple Songe de Poliphile by Martin, but the Tableau
des riches inventions couvertes du voile des feintes amoureuses, qui
sont représentées dans le Songe de Poliphile, desvoilées
des ombres du songe et subtilement exposées. In itself this
title is a declaration of intention: rather than a simple translation
of the Hypnerotomachia, Béroalde asserts that
he will present the public with a new reading of the text, in a way
the only authentic one which would discover the hidden meaning in it.
Jean Martin's
translation, formulated as one element in a series of translations of
Italian or Latin texts on architecture, put a great deal of importance
on "fantaisies" on the antique, to the point of generating
a tradition of studies of the text as a manual of architecture or of
garden art which was not in the spirit of the original, whatever may
be the real place of those descriptions. This importance of an architectural
reading was well understood by Béroalde; according to the fiction
of the knight of Malta who apparently brought the translation to Jean
Martin, he doesn't fail to point out twice in the preface Aux beaux
esprits that this knight has "tiré la substance [du
livre]>, surtout en ce qui est de l'Architecture, où il fait
paroistre son scavoir". This was a reading which corresponded certainly
better to the prevailing taste since it concerned a point "en quoy
le chevalier maltois s’est parfois exagéré".
Béroalde was then going to suggest another reading of the Poliphile,
an alchemic reading which was perhaps even less in the spirit of the
original than the architectural one, but which would also ensure the
lasting career of this strange and teeming book.
The essential
part of this new interpretation is found in the introductory portions
preceding the text itself. Indeed, after a rather formal dedication
to Pierre Brochard, lord of Marigny, "Monsieur mon Moecenas",
Béroalde adds an epistle Aux beaux esprits qui arrêteront
les yeux sur ces projets de plaisir sérieux, in which the
text is immediately presented as a "tableau" of "ce qu'il
y avoit de bon es occultes de la stéganographie". Thus Béroalde
admits here that he was mainly attracted by the hidden messages, particularly
when in the Poliphile they are shaped like hieroglyphics in
some illustrations. So he opens the way to an interpretation of the
book as containing a secret philosophical message, enjoying what is
obscure, so obscure that one might even doubt that it is obscure, as
this passage in the epistle "[l’auteur] paroist fort
peu être Alquemiste, et ce n’est qu’au discours de
sa lampe, et des filets de soye, et du verre filé, mais tant
secrettement que peu s’en faut qu’il soit le secret mesme
pour taire le secret". Here we see all the ambiguity if not the
cunning of Béroalde's wit, able to construct a successful reading
based on a clever form of trompe l'œil which he himself perhaps
A second
piece, frankly even more alchemic, follows the epistle Aux beaux
esprits : the Recueil stéganographique contenant l’intelligence
du frontispice de ce livre. In fact this text refers to the third,
or first, alchemic part of the book, the frontispiece required by Béroalde
and executed by Mathieu Guillemot. The Recueil stéganographique
gives keys to understanding it in a rather long text which is a sort
of Beroaldian rewriting of the Poliphile, since it takes up
again the initiatory structure (a trip from temple to temple to meet
introductory characters, up to the Nymph Olocrirée and the discovery
of love and the Master) with a strong alchemic connotation. The series
of the introductory texts ends with a collection of accompanying poems
of praise in accordance with contemporary customs.
Yet if we
look at the very contents of the book, we first notice that the illustrations
are the same as those in the Kerver edition, taken from the very same
places in the text. We also see that Béroalde, contrary to his
affirmations, did not really retranslate the text, and probably compared
Martin's translation to the original hardly at all. His text is in fact
a grooming of the 1546 translation; here and there he erases an obsolete
expression or a heavy turn of phrase, and attempts to render the language
more fluid. A gap of fifty years represents a great linguistic variable.
In this treatment of a second distancing from the original, Béroalde's
version became really what he says about it himself, "non plus
que le tout n’est qu’une imitation", more than a real
The Tableau
des riches inventions by Béroalde, even if it is obviously
not totally foreign to the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili by Francesco
Colonna, is more a new avatar than a faithful image of it. Starting
with the alchemic construction of the frontispiece, a new career opens
up for the book, that of the "discours secret", which was
going to reinforce all the stronger its reputation of obscurity and
inaccessability, generating new studies which sometimes skirted the
extravagant. It is up to the modern critic to replace these readings
in perspective in the history of the text, for they are not so much
distorted as made up, in accordance with the tastes and styles of their
Martine Furno (Université Stendhal Grenoble 3 - CERPHI,
Ens LSH Lyon) – 2008
Critical bibliography
Béroalde de Verville (1556-1626), Cahiers V. L. Saulnier, 13, Paris, Pens, 1996.
F. Colonna, Le songe de Poliphile, translation by Jean Martin
(1546), presented, translitered and annotated by G. Polizzi, Paris,
Imprimerie nationale editions, 1994.
A. Blunt, "The Hypnerotomachia Poliphili in the 17th
Century in France", Journal of the Warburg Institute,
vol. 1, n° 2 (oct. 1937), 1937-1938, pp. 117-137.
M. Furno, Une "fantaisie" sur l’Antique : le goût
pour l’épigraphie funéraire dans l’Hypnerotomachia
Poliphili de Francesco Colonna, Geneva, Droz, 2003.
G. Polizzi, "Poliphile ou les combats du désir", H. Brunon (ed.), Le jardin, notre double, Paris, Autrement, Série Mutations, 1999,
184, pp. 81-100.