Author(s) |
Mauclerc, Julien
Boyvin, René |
Title |
Le premier livre d’architecture... |
Imprint |
La Rochelle, J. Haultin, 1600 |
Localisation |
Subject |
Orders |
In 1599
Le premier livre d'architecture had come out as an "édition
à l'essai" without a name or place of publication, but attributable
to the printer from La Rochelle Jérôme Haultin. Only one
copy of it is known today. The 1600 edition is almost as rare, for only
two copies remain of this edition : one at the British Library in London
(61.g.6) indicated by Louis Desgraves in his addition to the bibliography
of the Haultins (pp. 314-315), and the other at Avery Library at Columbia
University in New York (AA531 M45 M451F). The name and press mark of
Jérôme Haultin (the "Religion Chrestienne" in
one of its variations) appear on the title page, reset for the circumstance
; a dedication to the King was added.
Such as
it is, this Premier livre, which was not to be followed by
a second one, is obviously imperfect. In its title as in the “proème”
the author sets out a plan for a much more ambitious project than the
one before us. In fact he promises to treat the orders of columns and
also architecture in general, the Serlian categories being a pretext
to classify models of entrances, windows, dormer windows, sepultures
and even fortresses – not to mention the Archimedes’ screw.
But in the word to the reader which concludes the work he suggests that
he will not have the time to finish this vast enterprise, and gives
a few rather confused instructions to the good souls who would like
to pick up the torch after him.
This nearly
universal program reminds us of the more successful ones of Jacques
Androuet du Cerceau or of Hans Vredeman de Vries, with which Mauclerc
must have been acquainted through his extensive library. For our gentleman
from Poitou was a cultured amateur. The introductory pieces of the work
are studded with erudite quotations from Empedocles, Apollonius of Rhodes
and Flavius Josephus. He must also have read more “scientific”
authors, for he refers to the Commentarium in astrolabium of
Juan de Rojas Sarmiento (Paris, Vascosan, 1550), to the famous Tractatus
de sphœra mundi by Jean Dubois and to its commentary
by Father Clavius which came out in Lyon in 1593. Nonetheless, the exclusive
use of French for the quotations allows one to wonder if he mastered
Latin ; as for Greek, it seems that someone writing “le pistille”
for “l’épistyle” must have been ignorant of
it. Furthermore, the supposedly philosophical texts, which are meant
to explain the allegories in the frontispiece, do not shine with conceptual
rigor, and the “proème” is not a model of clarity.
The specifically architectural knowledge is fairly wide : as well as
Vitruvius, of course, he refers to Alberti and Philandrier, and quotes
Serlio’s Terzo libro precisely. His use of certain terms (“strix”
for example) allows one to think that he was acquainted with the French
translation of Sagredo. But he does not own up to the main borrowings.
In fact the text was inspired by Hans Blum's treatise, published for
the first time in Latin in 1550 in Zurich (Quinque columnarum exacta
descriptio...), of which at least two editions in French existed
at the end of the 16th century, one coming out in Antwerp in 1551 and
the other in Lyon in 1562. Mauclerc followed him faithfully, even repeating
the legend which makes the Tuscan giant Tuscus the ancestor of the Teutscher,
that is to say the Germans- a legend which must have appeared very exotic
in the country of the Sieur du Ligneron. As for the plates, they repeat
in a remarkably exact way the German's. Much remains to be said about
Blum’s influence on the theory of architecture in France. Jean
Bullant also drew inspiration from his method of presentation founded
on a simple clear system of rules and of sections of circles, very effective,
as Mauclerc says, for the “pauvres simples artisans qui n'ont
été nourris aux lettres”. But Bullant had adapted
and developed it for his own models, more directly Serlian in profile.
In Mauclerc’s work, the plagiarism is more obvious, for the shapes
he proposes for the orders are Blum’s, exactly. His plans are
still very valuable, for Boyvin’s engraving shows great virtuosity
and admirable precision.
If Blum
was the principal source, it was not the only source. Mauclerc borrowed
portal XIV from Serlio’s Extraordinario libro. Adapted
and decorated for the circumstance, he used it as frontispiece, framing
a portrait of the author whose pose is obviously that of Vignola on
the title page of the Regola. He took the Corinthian column of
the temple of the Dioscuri from the Libro appartenente
a l’architettura of Antonio Labacco (Rome, 1559, p. 21). He took
from the same book the composite column from a temple situated between
the Capitol and the Quirinal (p. 37) ; let us remember that these two
plates had already been used by De l’Orme for the Premier
tome of 1567 (ff. 194 v° and 206). Moreover Philibert also
inspired our author, since the superb acanthus at the end of the book
is a reinterpretation of the model proposed by De l’Orme in folio 214
v° of his treatise.
In spite
of this undeniable culture, Mauclerc’s text is not that of a first-class
thinker. The forms he describes have nothing new about them, and his
paraphrase of Blum is limited to a rather repetitive and fastidious
exposé on the proportions and the “membres particuliers”
of the orders, with the traditional anecdotes on their origins. The
most original aspect of the account is the idea of presenting not five
but seven orders of columns, by giving two versions of the Ionic and
Corinthian, with and without pedestal, but again, Mauclerc does no more
than take up Blum's presentation again, which moreover suited him perfectly,
because it made for seven different plans for his fortresses (circle,
triangle, quadrangle, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon and octagon), and
the seven categories function perfectly for his presentation “en
ordre” of the whole of architecture. Perhaps he was confirmed
in this idea in reading Philibert De l’Orme, who speaks very highly
of an ideal architecture consisting of seven parts (although it is not
a question of orders), which in its perfection he integrates into the
system of seven planets.
The term
“plagiarism” which one is tempted to use to describe Mauclerc’s
procedures must not be taken in the derogatory sense which one gives
to it today. In fact, these borrowings became habitual during a period
when inventiveness, in the field of the orders, was exhausted. De l’Orme
was no doubt the last one to propose new forms. In the 17th century
very little invention came about. Like Mansart in real architecture,
the theoreticians were satisfied to parallel the forms of Palladio,
Scamozzi and Vignola, choosing those which suited them best, or, like
Perrault, trying to synthesize an already acquired formal repertoire.
In such a way that Mauclerc, in the contents of his architectural culture,
may appear as the last of the Renaissance theoreticians and as the first
of those of the 17th century in the eclecticism of his method.
We find
no trace of the treatise : Louis Savot did not mention it in 1624 in
his “bibliography”. The privilege of the second edition
in 1648 points out that “Pierre Daret, notre graveur ordinaire
en tailles-douces, nous a fait très humblement remontrer que
depuis trois ans en ça, il a recouvert les planches d’un
livre in-folio, intitulé L’architecture de Mr Julien
Mauclerc, gentilhomme poitevin, composé de cinquante planches
en taille-douce, avec les explications d’icelles, qui n’a
encore été mis en lumière et par lui augmenté,
lequel livre, pour l’utilité publique, ledit Daret désirerait
mettre en lumière par notre permission qu’il nous a fait
supplier lui accorder”. Daret wrote himself that he had “recouvré
depuis quelques années un ouvrage d’architecture”,
as though the book had been lost. The rarity of the work can perhaps
be explained by the printer's death on November 16, 1600. His heirs,
who continued printing from 1601 to 1622, issued no more copies of it.
Yves Pauwels (Tours, Centre d’études supérieures
de la Renaissance) – 2006
Note revised in 2008
Critical bibliography
L. Châtenay, La vie intellectuelle en Aunis et Saintonge
de 1540 à 1610, La Rochelle, Éditions du Quartier Latin, 1959.
L. Desgraves, L’imprimerie à la Rochelle, Les Haultin
(1571-1623), Travaux d’Humanisme et Renaissance, 34-2, Genève,
Droz, 1960.
L. Desgraves, "Corrections et additions à la bibliographie
des Haultin", Bibliothèque d’humanisme et Renaissance,
Travaux et documents, 28, 1965, pp. 304-317.
J. Levron, René Boyvin, graveur angevin du XVIe siècle,
Angers, Petit, 1941.
M. Marrache-Gouraud, "Cabinets et curieux du Poitou, aux XVIe
et XVIIe siècles", P. Martin & D. Moncond'huy (ed.), Curiosité et cabinets de curiosités,
Neuilly, Atlande, 2004, pp. 93-108.
Y. Pauwels, "Hans Blum et les Français, 1550-1650", Scholion. Meitteilungsblatt der Stiftung Bibliothek Werner Oechslin,
6, 2010, pp. 77-88.
D. Thomson, "Architecture et humanisme au XVIe siècle.
Le Premier Livre d’Architecture de Julien Mauclerc",
Bulletin monumental, 158, 1980, pp. 7-40.
D. Thomson, "Le Premier Livre d’Architecture
de Mauclerc, à La Rochelle, chez Jérôme Haultin
en 1600", S. Deswarte-Rosa (éd.), Sebastiano Serlio
à Lyon. Architecture et imprimerie, Lyon, Mémoire
active, 2004, p. 471.