Author(s) Perret, Jacques
Bry, Jean-Israël de
Bry, Jean-Théodore de
Title Des fortifications et artifices...
Imprint Frankfurt, W. Richter, 1602
Localisation Paris, Binha, 4 EST 423
Subject Churches, Domestic architecture, Military architecture, Urbanism


     The second edition of the Fortifications et artifices by Jacques Perret was published simultaneously in 1602 in Germany by Théodore de Bry's widow and his two sons. These two editions comprised a frontispiece and an introduction, followed by plates and commentary. In relation to the first edition (1601) Thomas de Leu's plates and Jacques Perret's text were reset to form a volume made up of twenty-eight plates, instead of twenty-two, and twenty-three commentaries instead of seventeen. Only the order of the first twelve plates respects the original organization. All the plates taken from the first edition are reversed, cut down from their frames and stamped with letters. The six new plates were set thanks to a redistribution of the figures of the original formatting. Patricia O'Grady and David Booth have attributed the entire series to Jean-Israël and Jean-Théodore de Bry. This is confirmed by the introduction of the German edition of Thédore de Bry's widow. The copy in the Inha library also has an engraving of the château de Caparola, after Jacques Lemercier's drawing, which was not part of the German edition of the work.

Émilie d’Orgeix ( Institut national d'histoire de l'art, Paris) – 2007

Critical bibliography

D. W Booth, Architecture and its Image, Montreal, Éditions du CCA, 1991, p. 183; cat. 19.1, 19.2.

P. M. O’Grady, An investigation into Jacques Perret’s 'Des fortifications et artifices. Architecture et perspective', Ph.D., University of Toronto, 1993.

P. M. O’Grady, "Des Fortifications et artifices. Architecture et Perspective de Jacques Perret, à Paris en 1601", S. Deswarte-Rosa (ed.), Sebastiano Serlio à Lyon. Architecture et imprimerie, Lyon, Mémoire Active, 2004, pp. 472-473.