In 1682 Henry Wetstein reprinted Le Muet’s edition of the Palladio which he had put out in 1679 (a rather rare edition, of which only a few copies still exist). It follows Mariette’s Parisian edition (1647). The copy at the BnF (Estampes, 4 HB-13) is incomplete and poorly formatted. Frédérique Lemerle (Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Critical bibliographyF. Lemerle, “À l’origine du palladianisme européen : Pierre Le Muet et Roland Fréart de Chambray”, Revue de l’art, 178, 2012-4, pp. 43-47. K. Ottenheym, “Le traduzioni olandesi dei trattati di Palladio e Scamozzi”, Palladio nel Nord Europa. Libri, viagiatori, architetti, Milan, Skira, 1999, pp. 156-157.