Author(s) |
Colonna, Francesco |
Title |
Hypnerotomachie, ou Discours du songe de Poliphile... |
Imprint |
Paris, J. Kerver, 1546 |
Localisation |
Paris, Ensba, Les 1360 |
Subject |
Architecture, Gardens |
Transcribed version of the text
The Discours
du Songe de Poliphile, which was published by Kerver in 1546, presented
as a translation, merely “revue” by Jean Martin, was to
have a curious fate, and a mainly unpredictable one even for its promoters.
One of the first successes of this translation was no doubt to have
made the main character so familiar that his name became the popular
title of the text : instead of the unpronounceable original title Hypnerotomachia
Poliphili, or “Struggle of love in the sleep of Polia’s
lover”, in Jean Martin’s own dedication to Henri de Lenoncourt,
the book became “icelui Poliphile”, and that it
would stay. This too easy familiarity was only the most striking among
the many delusions which made up the history of this text.
in Venice in 1499 by Aldus Manutius, l’Hypnerotomachia Poliphili is basically a novel whose framework, not very original, is the initiatory
dream. On the principle of the Roman de la Rose, for example,
it harks back to certain topoi such as the enclosed garden,
and the text recounts the journey of its hero Poliphile, “who
loves Polia”, across the island of Venus, as far as the discovery
of the goddess herself and the metaphorical realization of his desire
for Polia. A second narrative, called book II, coming after the first
but still fitted in the framework of the dream (from which the hero
only awakens at the end of the novel), is a sort of autobiography of
Polia before she enters as a “nymph” in attendance to Venus.
Having said that, despite those familiar appearances, everything is
strange : the book, with its splendid and anonymous woodcuts, the author,
whose name, Francesco Colonna, is revealed in Latin only (Franciscus
Columna) through an acrostic of the chapter headings, and the language,
a sort of ultrascholarly and convoluted Italian, mixed with Latin and
Greek to the point that it seems to be as much ungrammatical Latin as
a too worked-over vernacular. The narration itself teems with digressions,
descriptions of many monuments, huge for the most part and of improbable
shapes, all’antica or at least appearing to be : an
enclosure and entrance to the garden of Venus in which are superposed
a triumphal gateway and a high pyramid, various fountains, the temple
and fountain of Venus, richly decorated with the finest precious stones
and marble, in calculated symbolic colors. Keen on epigraphy, the hero-narrator
delights in noting all the inscriptions he finds, whether they decorate
the triumphant processions of Love or of Polia, or the ruins of a collapsed
temple in which the stroll is also a descent into the stay of the “morts
d’amour”. Out of this teeming text, where an astonishing
imagination creates a falsely antique but terribly likely world, (a
fairly erudite deception, but perhaps less profound or detailed than
it appears), the French translation would extract a book, close but
independent, nourishing a tradition of study which pushed the Hypnerotomachia
in the directions, other ones, leading to the Poliphile.
The text
made a certain stir, particularly in the literary circles in Lyon,
when Jacques Gohory proposed the Hypnerotomachia to Jean Martin,
who had already translated the work of several poets such as Bembo,
Ariosto and Sannazar. The novel then seemed to take its place in a series
of works meant to open up the French mind to Italian literature. But
for Jean Martin, this work on the Poliphile was also a turning
point ; almost at the same time or immediately afterwards, he translated
Serlio, Vitruvius and Alberti, becoming the first great vector in the
French language of antique treatises on architecture or that inspired
by the antique. The Poliphile truly seems to be at the crossroads
of all those texts ; beyond the storytelling canvas, Jean Martin perceived
and underlined the importance of the architectural “fantasies”
on the antique period, suited to nourish and reflect the fantasy world
of his time. If it seems that Serlio himself wished to collaborate with
Martin in translating his works, it is not improbable to think that
the Poliphile-Serlio association around 1545 then pushed the translator
to take on the two source texts for the descriptions in the novel, Vitruvius
and Alberti.
The 1546
edition is also a very fine book ; embellished with engraved figures
which hark back to and adapt some woodcuts of the Aldine edition, and
enriched by others, the work also remains one of the most beautiful
printed achievements of the period. Jean Martin’s text is the
version that would most feed the fantasies and the discussions centered
on the novel. One of the first points of that controversial tradition
concerned the personality of the author. Like Gohory, Martin puts Francesco
Colonna in the Colonna family, since he presents him in his dedication
as “un gentilhomme docte et de maison illustre”, knowledge
apparently only able to go hand in hand with nobility. It would take
several centuries and torrents of ink for this delusion to be dispelled
(not entirely, for the fires of this attribution quarrel are not entirely
extinguished) and his authentic personality restored to him. He was
a monk in the Convent of the Santi Giovanni e Paolo in Venice, with
a life almost as agitated as the inordinate dreams of his character,
no doubt using the good library of his convent, but perhaps also spending
time with the learned people and humanists of the Verona and Treviso
Jean Martin did not claim to produce an exact translation, a notion
which was not current in his time for this sort of work. It is truly
an adaptation : translating the overflowing sentences of the Hypnerotomachia
meant opening the reading of the Poliphile to “French
brevity”, at times reducing or condensing the text, or else following
it step by step, according to whether the translator believed the passages
were transposable to the French mind. Therefore it is a slightly different
book than the original which was offered to a public of cultured (but
not necessarily erudite) nobles who were interested in antiquity, architecture,
palaces and gardens. For the main trompe l’œil established
by Jean Martin’s work was to have made Poliphile a guide in just
these fields, and not in the amorous or philosophical initiation in
pursuit of the happy medium between contemplation and action. The idea
is visible right from the preface : the first summary that Jean Martin
gives of the text is the enumeration of the descriptions of architecture,
the offer the most liable to attract the literary customer. The idea
would endure ; Conrad Gesner, in his Pandectes of 1548, the
“Matières” part of his bibliographic catalogue, would
classify the Hypnerotomachia (he did not mention the French
translation, even if he seemed to have been aware of it) almost among
the treatises on architecture, and would indicate all the architectural
descriptions by rubric : columns, door. Next, it became a habit ; if
Rabelais seemed to remember that the Poliphile was a fictional
narration, most of the 16th century readers nonetheless sought architectural
models in it (Jean Martin himself used some engravings from the edition
to constitute the scenery for Henri II’s entry into Paris) or
garden art. The following translation of Béroalde de Verville
in 1600 would have the text slip towards alchemy, and that of Popelin
in the 19th century would bring it back to the bosom of the dream, but
the “architectural” reading remains the one that most marked
the history of the text. In the 18th century, the book was still found
as a reference in the libraries of architects such as Soufflot, thus
confirming the success of the brilliant illusion created by Colonna
as much as by his intervention.
Martine Furno (Université Stendhal Grenoble 3-
CERPHI, Ens LSH Lyon) – 2008
People have often had a lot to say about the influence
of Martin’s Poliphile on the development of Renaissance
architecture in France. Louis Hautecoeur, for example, devotes a long
exposition on Jean Martin’s work in the introduction to the second
volume of the first book of his Histoire de l’architecture
classique en France devoted to the “Renaissance des humanistes”
(1965, pp. 111-115), but he is hard put to give precise and convincing examples
of where plates of the work were used concretely. As Martine Furno says,
it is more useful to turn towards the short-lived constructions of the
ceremonial entries ; it is obvious that the elephant carrying an obelisk
(f. 10) inspired Martin for Henri II’s entrance into Paris in
1549, except that it is a rhinoceros carrying the obelisk. The various
floats were also copied many times in the processions of these ceremonial
celebrations. Likewise, landscape gardeners made the best of numerous
models of garden temples illustrated in the Poliphile.
On the other
hand it is possible that Martin’s translation had some influence
in Spain. Delfín Rodríguez Ruiz pointed out several possible
influences of the Aldine plates on the architecture of Andres de Vandelvira
at Ubedà and Jaén ; but he emphasizes that one of the
characteristics of his manner, the use of cabled fluting of unequal
heights in the columns, has no equivalent in Europe other than the plate
of folio 101 of the French edition representing the tomb of “Trébia
fille de Lucius Sextus Trebius”.
Yves Pauwels (Centre d’Études Supérieures
de la Renaissance, Tours) – 2008
Critical bibliography
F. Colonna, Le songe de Poliphile, translation by Jean Martin
(1546), presented, transliterated and annotated by G. Polizzi, Paris,
Éditions de l’Imprimerie nationale, 1994.
R. Brun, Le livre français illustré de la Renaissance,
Paris, Picard, 1969, p. 157.
M. Furno, Une “fantaisie” sur l’Antique : le
goût pour l’épigraphie funéraire dans l’Hypnerotomachia
Poliphili de Francesco Colonna, Genève, Droz, 2003.
G. Goebel, “Poliphile ancêtre du fantastique ?”,
Lendemains, 2003, 28, 110-111, pp. 21-26.
L. Lefaivre, Leon Battista Alberti’s Hypnerotomachia Poliphili.
Re-Cognizing the Architectural Body in the Early Italian Renaissance,
Cambridge (Mass.)/London, MIT Press, 1997.
M. Lorgnet, Jean Martin translateur d’emprise, Bologna, Editrice
CLUB, 1994.
G. Polizzi, “Poliphile ou les combats de désir”, H. Brunon (ed.), Le jardin, notre double, Paris, Autrement. Série Mutations, 1999, 184, pp. 81-100.
D. Rodríguez Ruiz, “Andrés de Vandelvira y después.
Modelos perifericos en Andalicia, de Francisco Colonna a Du Cerceau”, A. Moreno Mendoza & J. M. Almansa Moreno (ed.), Úbeda en el siglo XVI, Úbeda, El Olivo, 2002,
pp. 321-367.
H. Zerner, L’Art de la Renaissance en France. L’invention
du classicisme, Paris, Flammarion, 1996, p. 282.