
Colonna, Francesco
Martin, Jean (translator)

Title Hypnerotomachie, ou Discours du songe de Poliphile...
Imprint Paris, J. Kerver, 1561
Localisation Paris, Ensba, 1322 bis

Architecture, Gardens

Transcribed version of the text


     The 1561 reprint is very close to the 1554 edition. The title page mentions Kerver’s new address, where the shop sign changed from “Deux Colonnes” to “La Licorne”. Jean Martin’s text was reset without modifications. New initials appear in the preliminary addresses only, and the editor introduced a border decoration at the heading of each chapter. The Greek texts, printed in larger letters, are more legible. The engravings are the same ; the one at the bottom of folio 22 was inverted.

Yves Pauwels (Centre d’études supérieures de la Renaissance, Tours) – 2012

Critical bibliography

F. Colonna, Le songe de Poliphile, translation by Jean Martin (1546), presented, transliterated and annotated by G. Polizzi, Paris, Éditions de l’Imprimerie nationale, 1994.

M. Furno, Une “fantaisie” sur l’Antique : le goût pour l’épigraphie funéraire dans l’Hypnerotomachia Poliphili de Francesco Colonna, Geneva, Droz, 2003.

M. Lorgnet, Jean Martin translateur d’emprise, Bologna, Editrice CLUB, 1994.