
Cambray, Knight of

Title Maniere de fortifier de Mr. de Vauban
Imprint Paris, Mabre-Cramoisy’s widow, 1694

Military architecture

Consult in image mode
Transcribed version of the text


       Du Fay’s book and Cambray’s were combined in 1694. The 1689 edition is improbable, since it turns out that Du Fay published La maniere de fortifier in 1691 and not in 1681. And it is the 1693 version which was taken up again here. The entire work was published in Amsterdam in 1702 and was often reissued up until 1757; a Spanish translation appeared in 1702 and in 1703 a bilingual (French-German) version came out. In France, only three editions were printed: 1707, 1749 and 1771.

P. Bragard (UCL, Leuven) – 2015


Critical bibliography

A. Blanchard, Vauban, Paris, Fayard, 1996.

P. Bragard, “Du Fay et les autres. La diffusion de la fortification selon Vauban dans la théorie européenne autour de 1700”, M. Virol, P. Bragard, N. Faucherre, M. Steenbergen (eds.), L’influence de Vauban dans le Monde, Namur, Les Amis de la citadelle de Namur, 2015, pp. 17-38.

C. Duffy, The Fortress in the age of Vauban and Frederick the Great, 1660-1789, London, Routledge & Keegan, 1985.

K. Jordan, Bibliographie zur Geschichte des Festungsbaues von den Anfängen bis 1914, Marburg,Deutsche Gesellschaft für Festungsforschung, 2003.

P. Lazard, Vauban 1633-1707, Paris, Alcan, 1933.

M. Virol, Vauban, de la gloire du roi au service de l’État, Seyssel, Champ Vallon, 2003.

I. Warmoes, “Vauban et l’art de la fortification”, I. Warmoes, V. Sanger (eds.), Vauban bâtisseur du Roi-Soleil, Paris, Somogy, 2007, pp. 190-197.