Author(s) |
Boillot, Joseph |
Title |
New Termis Buch Von allerley grossen vie/füssigen Thieren
zugerichtet... |
Imprint |
[Strasbourg, A. Bertram ?], 1604 |
Localisation |
Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, 2 Math.a. 61 |
Subject |
Animals, Caryatids, Orders, Terms |
Transcribed version of the text
The German
translation s.l.s.n. of Boillot's book is generally attributed to the
Strasbourg printer Antoine Bertram, who, the year before, had published
an adaptation of Boillot's treatise on pyrotechnics (Modelles, artifices
de feu et divers instrumens de guerre..., 1598) entitled
Artifices Defeu, & divers instruments de guerre. Das ist Künstlich
Feurwerck und Kriegs Instrumenta, 1603.
This "counterfeit"
of the Nouveaux pourtraitz, to repeat Paulette Choné's
term, repeats all the engravings of the original version, alternating
woodcuts and copperplates in the same order; but contrary to the French
edition, each engraving is placed on half of the page, facing the text.
As for the text itself, it is freely adapted; the translator added numerous
anecdotes about the tiger, the giraffe and even the monkey. A few variations
appear in the translations of the titles: for example "De l'âne"
becomes "Von dem guten Esel", "on the good donkey",
and "Du mouton" becomes "Von dem Wider, ein Anders",
that is "more about the ram"- not without reason, for the
animal represented has horns. The introductory pieces were shortened:
only a six-page headword remains ("Vorred, An den Kunstliebenden").
The dedication and the poetry have disappeared.
One notes
that contrary to Boillot, the German translator dedicates the book to
people in the trade, artists, foremen, painters, goldsmiths and sculptors
of all kinds ("Allen Künstlern, Werckmeistern, Maalern, Bildhauwern,
Schnitzlern, Goldschmiden, Schreinern, Glasmalern, und allen Liebhabern
dieser Künsten"). This dedication is reminiscent of the one
in Hans Blum's treatise on the orders, also addressed to "allen
kunstrychen Buwherren, Werkmeisteren, Steinmetzen, Maleren, Bildhouweren,
Goldschmiden, Schreyneren, ouch allen die sich des Circkels von richtschyts
gebruchend zu grossen Nutz und Vorteil dienstlich" (Von den
fünff Sülen.., 1550). The picturesque animal
terms by Boillot were to appear usable in the ornate context of Germanic
art at the turn of the 17th century.
Yves Pauwels (Centre d’études supérieures
de la Renaissance, Tours) – 2009
Critical bibliography
J. Boillot, Nouveaux Pourtraitz et figures des Termes pour user
en l’architecture..., new edition in facsimile with
critical presentation, index et glossary by P. Choné and G. Viard,
Paris, Klincksieck, 1995, p. 66.
P. Choné, "Les Nouveaux Pourtraits et Figures de Termes
de Joseph Boillot, à Langres en 1592", S. Deswarte-Rosa
(ed.), Sebastiano Serlio à Lyon. Architecture et imprimerie,
Lyon, Mémoire active, 2004, pp. 466-469.
E. Forssman, Säule und Ornament. Studien zur Problem des Manierismus
in den nordischen Säulenbücher und Vorlageblättern des
16. und 17. Jahrhunderts, Stockholm/Uppsala, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1956, p. 145.