Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Jouy-aux-Arches (Moselle, 57)
Subject(s) Aqueduct at Gorze
Author(s) Anonymous artist (16th century)
Resource type Woodcut
Date 1584
References Ortelius/Vivianus 1584, p. 47
Bibliography Flotté/Fuchs 2004, pp. 527-529 ; Lemerle 2005, pp. 124-125

See the description of the aqueduct-bridge at Gorze given by A. Ortell and J. Vivian (1584, pp. 46-48). The Roman aqueduct crossed the Moselle River south of Metz near Jouy-aux-Arches. Extensive vestiges can still be seen (16 arches supported by 17 piers). Representing only a single complete arch, the engraving accords pride of place to the the small limestone blocks and meticulous workmanship with which the aqueduct-bridge was constructed

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