Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Narbonne (Aude, 11)
Subject(s) Miscellanea
Author(s) Platter, Félix
  Physician from Basel, older brother of Thomas Platter (1536-1614)
Resource type Manuscript
Date 1557
References Platter A λ III, f. 92= Lötscher 1976, p. 265

Kieffer 1892 ; Lötscher 1976 ; Gayraud 1981 ; Le Roy Ladurie 1995 ; Dellong 2003 ; Lemerle 2005, pp. 28-29, 84


In order to finish Narbonne's ramparts, started under Louis XIII, François I had the subsisting Roman remains, which mostly came from the Gallo-Roman necroplis, collected up and used as building material


« f°urt [° sur u] uns in der stat herumb, zeigt uns der stat muren stercke, doruf mir herumb giengen, item vil antiquiteten, so sich in den ringmuren erzeigten »...
= “We made the round tour of the town and were shown the city walls, which seem to me to surround it entirely, and the many antiquities which these walls exhibits...”