Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Nîmes (Gard, 30)
Subject(s) Basin of the Fontaine
Author(s) Platter, Thomas II
  Physician from Basel, younger brother of Felix Platter (1574-1628)
Resource type Manuscript
Date 1596
References Platter A λ V, f. 62v°= Keiser 1968, pp. 103-105

Keiser 1968 ; Le Roy Ladurie 1995 ; Fiches/Veyrac 1996, pp. 241-268 ; Gros 1996, pp. 440-441 ; Le Roy Ladurie 2000 ; Lemerle 2005, p. 87 ; Lemerle 2013-2


The passages in italics were added by Platter subsequently to the period in which the rest of the text was written (1604-1605)


« Demnach sahen wier auch vor der statt ein weyer, gülle oder lachen, die man nennet (Fontem urbis) der Statt Brunnen, ist klar undt immerwehrendt, hatt viel quellen, da er entspringt, ist auch ein myle nitt weit darvon, ettwan ein bügsen schutz noch eine undt darnoch die dritte, die alle von ihme getriben werden. [...] Es möchten woll vielleicht die stein zu dem tempel Dianae an demselbigen ort gegraben worden sein, da yetzunder der weyer ist, weil er nitt weit darvon gebauwen worden, oder auch (daß theatrum) der schauwplatz, welches ein mechtige dieffe verursachet hatte, daß beschwerlich grundt zefinden wehre. »
= “So, we went outside the town to see a kind of pond, pool or puddle, in a place known as 'Fontem urbis' (Town Fountain); it is a clear and constantly flowing spring with many outlets, whence the water gushes. There is also a mill not far from there, and another a gun shot away from the first, and after that a third, all driven by this stream. […] It is possible that the stones which were used to build the Temple of Diana were taken from this place, from the hollow that the pool now fills, since this temple was erected not far from here; alternatively, stones taken from here could have been used to build the (theatrum) entertainment venue, which would explain why it is so difficult to find the bottom of the pool.”