Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Nîmes (Gard, 30)
Subject(s) Late Roman city walls
Author(s) Rulman, Anne de
  Protestant lawyer attached to the tribunal of Nîmes (1583-1639)
Resource type Printed book
Date 1630
References Rulman 1630, pp. 6-7

Varene 1992 ; Gros 1991, pp. 44-45 ; Fiches-Veyrac 1996, pp. 351-353 ; Lemerle 2005, pp. 84-88 ; Lemerle 2013-2


These fragments of frieze decorated with eagles observed in the area east of the amphitheatre, on the site occupied by the ancient tribunal and, later, by the prison and the court of justice, were part of the late Roman or early medieval ramparts, which were probably built to reinforce the fortress provided by the amphitheatre


« Mais quel contentement tesmoignastez-vous (Monseigneur) de receuoir, en voyant dans vn tas surhaussé de mazures decomblées, le fondement massif du Palais de l’Empereur Adrien, lequel enuisageoit l’Amphitheatre du Leuant, & presentoit sa Corniche assortie d’vn grand nombre de ces Aigles de marbre approchans de la perfection ! Des ruines duquelles les Visigoths se sont seruis ; apres eux les Comtes de Tolose ; Et nos Roys à leur tour, pour y establir le throne de la Iustice ; Dont [7] le respect imprime la presence : & la terreur, exprime la puissance du Souuerain. »