Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Vers-Pont-du-Gard (Gard, 30)
Subject(s) ‘Pont du Gard’
  Perspective elevation
Author(s) Androuet du Cerceau, Jacques
  Engraver and architect (1511-1584/85)
Resource type Drawing on vellum (pen, black ink and grey wash)
Date c1559-1560
Inscription « Le pont du gal a Lenguedoc »
References Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Estampes, Ed 2 p, 46

Geymuller 1887, pp. 127-130 (Recueil M) ; Thomson 1980 ; Provost 1999-2, p. 736 ; Lemerle 2004, pp. 135-144 ; Lemerle 2005, pp. 74-76, 88-89 ; Furhing 2010, pp. 328-329 ; Leproux 2010, pp. 17-18


This is the only version Androuet du Cerceau made where the stonework is shown. See the following volumes: Paris (BnF, Ed. 2 r ; Ensba ; musée des Arts décoratifs), Chantilly (ms. 396), Munich, Parma and theEscorial

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