Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Aix-les-Bains (Savoie, 73)
Subject(s) Arch of L. Pompeius Campanus
  Perspective elevation
Author(s) Anonymous French artist (16th century)
Resource type Drawing (pen and ink)
Date mid 16th century
Inscription « arc triumphal en sauoie »
References Oxford, Bodleian Library, ms. Rawlinson D. 1023, 21

Bonnard 1908, pp. 314-315 ; Gros 1996, p. 76 ; Rémy/Ballet/Ferber 1996, pp. 103-104


This is the only known drawing of the Arch of L. Pompeius Campanus which was situated in front of the thermal baths. See the descriptions given by Du Rivail 6014, 29v°-30 ; Aubery 1604, ff. 23v°-24 ; Duchesne 1614, V, p. 834)

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