Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Riez (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, 04)
Subject(s) Temple
Author(s) Solier, Jules Raymond de

Protestant lawyer attached to the parliament of Aix-en-Provence and historian (1530-before 1595)

Resource type Manuscript
Date 1572
References Solier 759, III, 22, p. 239

Le Menn 1998, pp. 3-28 ; Bérard 1997, pp. 361-367 ; lemerle 2005, pp. 62, 65


Solier was the first antiquarian to indicate the four columns at Riez. The passage cited is taken from a copy of the Soliers' manuscript, today incomplete (Aix, Bibliothèque Méjanes, ms. 758), made by the Baron of Méjanes. Contrary to what Solier thought, the four columns at Riez did not belong to a mausoleum, but formed the front part of the podium of an Augustinian temple


« extra urbem quatuor columnæ adhuc exstantes visuntur quæ antiqui mausolaei quadrati quartam partem demonstrant in hoc diocesi in pago qui dicitur mons pisatus ( ?) in ædibus diui martiri ejusmodi erat scriptum C. julius saturninus »…