Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Boisseron (Hérault, 34)
Subject(s) Roman bridge
Author(s) Rulman, Anne de
  Protestant lawyer attached to the tribunal of Nîmes (1583-1639)
Resource type Drawing (pen and ink)
Date 1626-1628
Inscription « LE PONT DE BOISERON sur le Vidourle »
References Paris, BnF, ms. fr. 8648, f. 175
Bibliography Mesqui 1981, II, p. 28 ; Vial 2003, p. 129 ; Lemerle 2005, pp. 63, 88

The drawing represents the five arch bridge at Boisseron (1st century), the bridge at Ambroix (Ambrussum) and a fragment of Roman wall

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