Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Arles (Bouches-du-Rhōne, 13)
Subject(s) Theatre
Author(s) Anonymous French writer (16th century)
Resource type Manuscript
Date Late 16th century
References Anonymous Nicolay 242, pp. 1-3

Constans 1921, pp. 278-297 ; Gros 1996, pp. 292-293 ; Lemerle 2005, pp. 89-90 ; Rothé/Heijmans 2008, pp. 287-301


The college of Arles was built on the site of the theatre's stage; in 1664, it was replaced by the Convent of the Miséricorde; the theatre was not identified as such until the second half of the 17th century. The anonymous author's text was copied in 1776 by the abbot Bonnemant from the original version conserved in the cabinet of M. Nicolay


« alii Arelatam dicunt, ab arā latā, hoc est elatā, propterea quņd olim arelatę in ęde Dianę, quam Thauricam dicebant, erat, ut et adhuc cernitur, ara seu altare elatum super duas columnas marmoreas altissimas, ubi quotannis ad Kalendas mayas frequens populus humanus hostias pro suā hospitate mactare consueverat, et tres juvenes publicā pecuniā emptos, toto anno saginatos, constituo die ad ipsam aram immolabant victimarum sanguine circumstantem populum apsergentes : et ex hac arā sic super columnas elatā volunt. […] [2] Arelatam dicunt, reliquię adhuc amplę veteris templi, quod Dianę Thauricę dicatum [3] tradunt, cujūs magna pars pro muris est civitatis, propč portam, quam de Laure (sic) dicunt, et altera intłs et extrą Monasterium Franciscanorom, quę Templum ipsum spaciosissimum fuisse denotant, in cujūs medio erant, quę adhuc videntur in Collegio arelatensi, binę et altissimę columnę marmoreę cum super impositis pręgrandibus lapidibus in altaris formam, de quibus suprą, de nomine Arelatę dicebamus. »