Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Arles (Bouches-du-Rhône, 13)
Subject(s) Circus
Author(s) Gölnitz, Abraham
  Geographer and cartographer from Danzig (15.. ?–16.. ?)
Resource type Printed book
Date 1631
References Gölnitz 1631, pp. 533-534

Constans 1921, pp. 325-345 ; Lemerle 2005, p. 90 ; Rothé/Heijmans 2008, pp. 419-426


The circus aedicule described by Gervase of Tilbury in the 13th century no longer existed in the 16th century; only the obelisk – three-quarters of which were buried – remained. The upper part of the monolith (approximately two-thirds of the entire obelisk) had been conserved in the suburb known as the 'Faubourg de la Roquette', where it was used as a bench in the square in front of the house originally occupied by the Ventabren family, which, in the author's time, had passed into the hands of the Porcellets. In 1675, the obelisk was erected in front of the town hall (located on the old market place)


« ante [Porcellanorum domus] fores devoluta stat [534] pars pyramidis grandioris ; cujus pars infima & basis extra portam in agro quodam conspicitur jacens. »