Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Arles (Bouches-du-Rhône, 13)
Subject(s) Circus
Author(s) Zinzerling, Just
  Dutch scholar (1590-1618)
Resource type Printed book
Date 1616
References Zinzerling 1627, p. 183

Bernard 1859, pp. 1-14 ; Constans 1921, pp. 325-345 ; Lemerle 2005, p. 90 ; Rothé/Heijmans 2008, pp. 419-426


The circus aedicule described by Gervase of Tilbury in the 13th century no longer existed in the 16th century; only the obelisk – three-quarters of which were buried – remained. Zinzerling stayed in France from 1612 to 1616


« Pyramis ex saxo solido 60. pedum, vt dicunt, (exstant tamen hodie tantùm 24.) in loco extra vrbem quem la Roquette appellant. Vulgò fertur ara lata (à qua nomen habeat vrbs) isthic fuisse, in qua Dianæ immolati fuerint quotannis iuvenes duo & sanguine illorum populus adspersus. »
= “[There is] a pyramid of solid stone, said to have measured sixty feet (today only twenty-four remain), situated outside the town in a place called La Roquette. It is commonly believed to have been (and is referred to by the townsfolk as) an altar; hearsay has it that two young people were sacrificed on it each year to Diana and their blood sprayed over the crowd.”