Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Luc-en-Diois (Drôme, 26)
Subject(s) Miscellanea
Author(s) Du Rivail, Aymar
  Jurisconsult and historian from the Dauphiné province (c. 1490-c. 1560)
Resource type Manuscript
Date Before 1535
References Du Rivail 6014, I, ff. 66-66v°= Terrebasse 1844, p. 122

DLF XVIe siècle, p. 446 ; Terrebasse 1844 ; Macé 1852 ; Sautel 1957, pp. 39-43 ; Lemerle 2005, p. 58 ; Planchon/bois/Conjard-Réthoré 2010, p. 395


« Et ea quæ de Luco audiveram et legeram visu probavi sexto idus septembris anni millesimi quingentesimi trigesimi tertii, festo Nativitatis Mariæ. Et quia pluribus mensibus non pluerat, aqua tunc ibi adeo erat suppressa quod arx illa antiqua apparebat, supra quam per quadraginta fere pedes, ita integra ac si paulo ante constructa fuisset, cum duabus fenestris duplicibus, una aquam attingente, alter paulo infra arcis summitatem. […] Vidimus quoque unam oppidi turrim infra aquam ad septentrionale viæ inferioris latus, cum superiore fornice et mœniis procedentibus ab eadem turri usque ad arcem supra descriptam, et uno pede aqua his superior erat ; et parum tam turris quam mœnia distant a rupe septentrionali, quæ nuda est et alba in ea parte quæ ruinam passa est, et in cæteris dumosa. »
= “What I had previously heard and read about Luc, I was able to verify with my own eyes on the 6th day before the ides of September, 1533, during the festival of the birth of the Virgin. As it had not rained for several months, the water level was so low that some forty feet of the antique citadel had emerged above it, as intact as if it had just been built, with two double windows, one just above the level of the water, the other a little below the top of the building. […] We also, a foot beneath the water, one of the towers situated on the lower side of the northern road, as well as the upper part of the arch and the walls which ran between this tower and the citadel mentioned above. This tower and these walls are not far from the northern rock, which is bare and white where part of it has fallen away and otherwise overgrown.”