Database of texts and images
Ville | Toulouse (Haute-Garonne, 31) |
Subject(s) | Capitol |
Author(s) | Bertrand, Nicolas |
Historian and lawyer attached to the parliament of Toulouse (14..?-15..?) | |
Resource type | Printed book |
Date | 1515 |
Inscription | |
References | Bertrand 1515, f. 20 |
Bibliography | DLF XVIe siècle, p. 141 ; Labrousse 1968, pp. 417-429 ; Arramond/Boudartchouk 2002, pp. 220-229 ; Lemerle 2005, p. 100 |
Remarks | The existence of a temple dedicated to the Roman triad, Jupiter, Juno and Minerva is attested by St Saturnin's Passion (5th century). The 'Capitol' is probably the temple of the forum, the foundations of the podium which were found under the 'Place Esquirol' in 1998 |
Transcription « a summa arce capitolii (que turris est vetustiisima tunc inter castrum narbonen et domum vicarii regii Tholose) »… |