Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Gallargues-le-Montueux (Gard, 30)
Subject(s) Pont Ambroix
Author(s) Rulman, Anne de
  Protestant lawyer attached to the tribunal of Nîmes (1583-1639)
Resource type Printed book
Date 1630
References Rulman 1630, p. 26
Bibliography Mesqui 1981, II, p. 82 ; Provost 1999-1, p. 373

It is by way of this bridge (1st century), originally comprising seven semicircular arches pierced with rectangular openings, that the Via Domitia crossed the Vidourle River. Rulman included a drawing of it in one of his manuscripts (Rulman 8648, f. 175)


« Et en outre on passoit la riuiere du Vidourle, per pontem Ambrussi, duquel Iule Cæsar à (sic) daigné faire mention. Il estoit basti à cinq arcades, quatre desquelles sont en leur entier ; & la cinquieme du costé de Montpellier est abbatue auec tous les gardefous. »