Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Toulouse (Haute-Garonne, 31)
Subject(s) Triumphal arch
Author(s) Géraud d’Agret, after a drawing by Servais Cornoaille
  16th century
Resource type woodcut
Date 1556

« Cette figure fut tiree douze ans ou enuiron avant ladite demolition, par plusieurs peintres de ce temps, de mêmes que se demontroit aux voians, laquelle aussi j’ai veu étant la chose entiere, te priant (Lecteur) tenir si rare antiquité en bonne partie »

References Noguier 1556, p. 26
Bibliography Labrousse 1968, pp. 281-290 ; Lemerle 2005, pp. 77, 98-99

The triumphal arch was discovered in the middle of the 16th century, when it was decided to demolish the 'Château Narbonnais', built on the remains of a square-plan Roman fortress (comprising four corner towers and a central courtyard) located beyond the city walls. The arch was incorporated within the fortifications at a later date
