Database of texts and images
Ville | Angers (Maine-et-Loire, 49) |
Subject(s) | Amphitheatre |
Perspective elevation | |
Author(s) | Coutard, Robert |
17th century | |
Resource type | Engraving |
Date | Before 1637 |
Inscription | « ELEVATION. DE. LEMPHITEATRE (sic). DE. GROHAN. PRES. D’ANGERS » / « R. Coustard. F. » / « Auec. Preuilege. Du. Roy » |
References | Ménard 1637, 2nd pl. (between dedication and p. 1) |
Bibliography | Provost 1988-2, pp. 95-96 ; Lemerle 2005, p. 116 |
Remarks | This hybrid edifice (theatre-amphitheatre) was situated outside the town, in a place known as Grohan. C. Ménard amended the caption of the illustration (p. 1) as follows: 'INSPECTOR CVRIOSE, QVISQVIS ES, Lusit in cælo, nobis absentibus, sculptoris industria, Cum GROANNI Sciographiam repræsentans, quam baltheis vndique cingentibus clausam debuerat, è quibus per fornices hinc atque hinc tendoretur (sic). In Caveam, prothyro contraxit, ouique retudit acuminationem. Sed errorem cæli hunc, editio forte altera, correctiorque reformabit'. |
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