Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Arcueil (Val-de-Marne, 94)
Subject(s) Aqueduct
Author(s) Buchel, Arnold van
  Dutch jurist (1565-1641)
Resource type Manuscript
Date 1585
References Buchel, Utrecht University Library, ms. 798, I, f. 161v-162v
Bibliography Busson 1998, pp. 135-140; Lemerle 2005, pp. 60, 112

« Because I have described the baths it is appropriate here, although they are situated at the other side of the town walls, to elaborate on the ruins of the aqueduct and to sketch it to give the most accurate impression of it. ?At the first milestone outside the city in the village Arcueil one sees the remains of a huge arch which the inhabitants, accustomed to relate all antiques to the Saracens, call the wall of the Saracens. To me the name of the village seems to be derived from this arch, it is situated at the other side of the Porte Saint Jacques, a little left of the royal road, in between two heights separated by a small river which water is very clear, in former times it will - I think - have discharged its water into the aqueduct. ?More recent buildings are built against the ruins; the owner, it was told that he is a lover of antiquities, had them buttressed up with a stone wall. In the upper half one recognizes the curved part where the water had flown or the channel which contained the water. ?It is obvious that these remains are those of an aqueduct which conducted the water from the one hill to the other over the valley; from there an underground conduit continued and came to light near the baths of Julianus.?That it is not far from there, on the other side, is proved by two other ruins forms which I have made one sketch [f. 162], and at a stone's throw, on the top of the other hill, one sees half crumbled remains of a conduit which forms are equal to those discovered in 1544 in the « Faubourg Saint-Jacques », just in the direction of the Baths; this conduit has a diameter of one foot and is made of very hard clay. This conduit calles fountain of Hercules, is cited in the verses of Jean Dorat from Limoges, poet of the king:
O Fons Arculii, sydere purior, [...] [Odes, I, 3], […] see the sketch [f. 162v] ».