Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Bordeaux (Gironde, 33)
Subject(s) Pillars of Tutela
Author(s) Quadt, Matthias
  German geographer and engraver (1557/58-1613)
Resource type Printed book
Date 1603
References Quadt 1603, pp. 50-51
Bibliography Étienne 1962, pp. 187-191 ; Lemerle 2005, pp. 32, 104

This passage is cited in the work traditionally attributed to C. Ens (1609, pp. 64-65). Built in the 3rd century and originally comprising 84 Corinthian columns, the edifice was demolished in 1677


« Augusti Imp. Tempore floruit : vetustates sunt in ea insignia argumenta, nempe palatium tutelæ, quod civitatis genito dicatum erat , diis tutelaribus ; id extra muros civitatis olim fuit, in ora fossæ, quæ ad septem triones vergit, nunc civitatis inclusum est, constat id ex lapide quadrato ; longum est pedes 87. latum autem 63. in parte interiori sunt fornices, forma planæ, ut antiqui exstruere consuevere : superior pars plane aperta est, tectoque caret, in eo 8. columnæ stria[51]tæ fuerunt ab vtroque latere, & 6 in fine latitudinis extremæ, quarum 18. adhuc erectæ stant. »