Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Bordeaux (Gironde, 33)
Subject(s) Pillars of Tutela
Author(s) Platter, Thomas II
  Physician from Basel, younger brother of Felix Platter (1574-1628)
Resource type Manuscript
Date 1599
References Platter A l V, f. 399v°= Keiser 1968, pp. 440-441

Étienne 1962, pp. 187-191 ; Keiser 1968 ; Le Roy Ladurie 1995 ; Le Roy Ladurie 2000 ; Lemerle 2005, pp. 28-31, 104


Built in the 3rd century and originally comprising 84 Corinthian columns, the edifice was demolished in 1677. The passages in italics were added by Platter subsequently to the period in which the rest of the text was written (1604-1605)


« Sie haben den Römeren gesatz gehalten, welches aub dem alten gebeüw, so (Palatium Tutelae, Palais Tutelaire) schirm platz genennet wirdt, abgenommen kan werden, der von den Römeren erbauwen unndt ihrem gott, dem sie die statt bevohlen, zugeignet ist worden, wie sie dann eigene götter (deos tutelares) ihnen erwehlet haben, denen sie ihre stett sonderlich bevohlen. Dabelbig gebeüw ist vorzeiten auberthalb der statt gewesen, nun aber indie statt eingeschloben worden, ist von einem vierecketen, gehauwenen stein auf die alte manier erbauwen. [400] Unndt hatt 87 schu in der lenge, 63 in der breite. Innwendig sindt (fornices) flache schwibbögen, wie die alten pfleget haben zebauwen. Oben ist dab gebeüw, so auch vierecket, gantz offen, hatt kein tach. Sindt noch 18 grobe seülen, in welchen ettliche bildtnuben alter Römeren aubgehauwen sindt, aufrecht, darauf dab gantz vierecket gebeüw neben anderen, die hinweg, gesetzet wahre worden. Haltet yegliche seül bey 24 spannen in der ründe.
Oben auf in dem gebeüw in den (ruderibus) überblibenen stucken ist ein garten. Under demselbigen, in der erden, ist ein weinkeller, welcher nitt gewelbet, sondern gantz flach ohne stützen durch ein wunderbahre alte Römer kunst von ihnen aufgerichtet worden, dorab sich meniglich verwunderet, unndt ligt wein darinnen. Ettlich wellen, dises ort seye ein (facinorosorum refiugium) freyheit der flüchtigen zu Römeren zeiten gewesen, andere halten es fr dab capitolium. »
= “The Romans' presence here is attested by an ancient building, which has been referred to, quite suitably, given its form, as a screened square: the 'Palatium Tutelae' or 'Tutelary Palace'. The Romans erected this building in honour of the Gods under whose protection they placed their towns, since they had particular gods to whom they specifically entrusted their towns (deos tutelares). In ancient times, this building was situated outside the town, but now it is incorporated within it. It is rectangular and built with stone blocks, in the ancient style. It is 87 feet in length and 63 feet in width. Inside, there are low vaults (fornices), such as were commonly constructed in Roman times. Above this, the building is also rectangular, very open and roofless. Eighteen large columns are still standing, several of which have images of elderly Romans are carved into them. The upper part of this large square building was supported by these columns and by several other pillars that have disappeared. Each of these columns measures 84 spans around.
In the area surrounded by the columns, there is a garden crammed with architectural remnants (ruderibus). Under this, beneath the earth, there is a cellar; it is not vaulted; its ceiling is completely flat and self supporting and it offers a wonderful example of the Romans' skilfulness in building; it is generally considered quite astonishing and is used to store wine. Some believe that, in Roman times, this place served as a refuge for criminals on the run (facinorosorum refugium); others believe that it was the capitol [of Bordeaux].”