Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Bordeaux (Gironde, 33)
Subject(s) Amphitheatre known as the “Palais Gallien”
Author(s) Zinzerling, Just
  Dutch scholar (1590-1618)
Resource type Printed book
Date 1616
References Zinzerling 1616, pp. 24-25
Bibliography Étienne 1962, pp. 191-195 ; Lemerle 2005, pp. 32-33, 104-105
Remarks Zinzerling stayed in France from 1612 to 1616

« Secundum antiquitatis indicium extra libros, superstites adhuc feci tenues magnifici Amphitheatri reliquias, extra urbem ad ipsius angulum inter Occidentem & Septentrionem prope ædem Divi Severini. Id sic describit Vinetus ad Ausonii Burdigalam n. 210. G. PALATIUM GALIENI, quod vocant [...] [25] [...] passus minimum quadringento. Hæc Vinetus »