Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Lyon (Rhône, 69)
Subject(s) Aqueduct
Author(s) Zinzerling, Just
  Dutch scholar (1590-1618)
Resource type Printed book
Date 1616
References Zinzerling 1616, p. 299

Bernard 1859, pp. 1-14 ; Lemerle 2005, pp. 32-33, 111 ; Le Mer/Chomer 2007, pp. 502-503


Zinzerling, who visited France from 1612 to 1616, describes here the reservoir of an aqueduct


« Prope fanum S. Justi in vinea videbis fornices arcuatos subterraneos indubie receptaculo aquarum ex illis ductibus huc derivatarum factos. Agnosces a sinistra introitus foramina per quæ indubie tubi eas evomuerunt. »
= “Near the sanctuary dedicated to St Just, situated in the vineyards, you can see underground vaults which were certainly constructed to collect water that was channelled into them. On the left of the entrance, one can see the openings through which the water must have spouted out of the pipes.”