Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Lyon (Rhône, 69)
Subject(s) The Antiquaille (site of)
Author(s) Zeiller, Martin
  Protestant author (1589-1661)
Resource type Printed book
Date 1661
References Zeiller/Merian 1657, III, pp. 13-14, 16
Bibliography Lemerle 2005, pp. 33, 111 ; Le Mer/Chomer 2007, pp. 502-503

« Etiam propè eandem portam, intra urbem in montis parte altiore, in vineâ antiquitatis specimen visitur, torcular aquarium & Cisterna, quam la grotte per lueé nominant. Monstrantur ibidem & indicta tum Palatij, tum Curiæ Augusti Imperatoris, quod pêne triennium hîc exagerit, an. Ætis 27. huc secedens […] [14] ad perantiquum monestarium Aisnay, Athenaco, sive Athenæo. […] [16] de Antiquario, sive l’Antiquaille in monte Veneris trans Ararim : de opere illo Romano subterraneo in horto, la grotte per luée ibidem ; denique de aquæductibus ante S. Iusti portam agit ».