Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Lyon (Rhône, 69)
Subject(s) Amphitheatre
Author(s) Symeoni, Gabriele
  Italian polygraph (1509-c. 1570)
Resource type Printed book
Date 1560
References Symeoni 1560, pp. 12-13

DLF XVIe siècle, pp. 1103-1104 ; Renucci 1943-1 ; Lemerle 2005, pp. 42-44, 111 ; Le Mer/Chomer 2007, pp. 288-296


« qui non apparisce altro segno, che certi pezzeti di tegoli consumati, [...] d’urne di terra [13] cotta [...], volte subterranee, fondamenti altissimi et da maravigliosa grandezza, il resto de quei poveri mirabili aquedotti con altre fabriche, come il Palagio Senatorio, o di Seuero, i vestigi dell’Anfiteatro su la costa di S. Bastiano »...
= “the only other indications to be found here are pieces of burnt tiles and vases; broken statues, terracotta and porphyry urns and pipes; bits of alabaster, marble, inlay, and mosaic; underground vaults; very high foundations; and the marvellous remains of these poor, wonderful aqueducts. There are also other edifices, such as the the Palace of the Senate, or of Severus, and, on the hill of St Sebastian, the remains of an amphitheatre...”