Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Lyon (Rhône, 69)
Subject(s) Miscellanea
Author(s) Navagero, Andrea
  Venetian humanist and ambassador (1483-1529)
Resource type Printed book
Date 1528
References Navagero 1563, ed. Tommaseo 1838, I, p. 36
Bibliography Tommaseo 1838 ; Lemerle 2005, pp. 40-41, 110-112

« Anco dentro della città sopra i colli che son sopra alla ripa destra del Ligeris, vi se vedeno molte ruine antique le quali non si può giudicar quel che erano : ma facilmente si abitava anticamente quella parte meglio che ora, e sono ruine di case. »
= “Within the town too, on the hills on the right bank of the [Saone], one can see many antique ruins; it is difficult to imagine exactly how they were, but it is obvious that living conditions in that part of town were better then than now, as they are clearly ruined houses.”