Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Vienne (Isčre, 38)
Subject(s) Pont de Trajan
Author(s) Gölnitz, Abraham
  Geographer and cartographer from Danzig (15.. ?–16.. ?)
Resource type Printed book
Date 1631
References Gölnitz 1631, p. 450

Leblanc 1880, pp. 89-97 ; Pelletier 1982, pp. 124-125 ; Lemerle 2003, pp. 10-14 ; Lemerle 2005, pp. 34-35, 96-97


The only one of the three Roman bridges which subsisted was swept away by a flood in 1651


« Pons Rhodano instratus sat altus, sat longus est, ŕ Tiberio Graccho, cům expeditionem in Galiam faceret, structus ann. Ab. V. C. DLXXVI, munitusque ad utrumque extremum duabus arcibus. »
= “The bridge over the Rhone is rather high and rather long. It was built by Tiberius Gracchus, during a trip he made in Gaul, in 576 AUC; it is protected by two fortresses which stand at either entrance“