Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Vienne (Isère, 38)
Subject(s) Miscellanea
Author(s) Everaert, Jan, called Johannes Secundus
  Dutch poet (1511-1536)
Resource type Printed book
Date 1533
References Secundus 1618, Itin. Hisp., p. 63= Guillot 2007, pp. 234, 236

DLF XVIe siècle, p. 1080 ; Pelletier 1982 ; Lemerle 2003, pp. 10-14 ; Lemerle 2005, pp. 28, 95-97


« quæ urbs totius Galliæ antiquissima narratur. Et certe ædificia, locique situs priscum aliquid et venerandum præ se ferunt. Pons ibi per Rhodanum traductus est insignis, sub quo et navigavimus. Ab ejus dextra parte turris erat quadrata, specie antiqua, quæ per Genios aliquando structa narrabatur, fabulose ut opinor. »
= “Of all the towns in France, this is said to be the oldest; certainly the edifices and the ancient layout of the site seem very venerable. There is a noteworthy bridge over the Rhone, under which our boat passed, and close to it, on the right bank, there is a square tower, seemingly very ancient, which is said to have been built by spirits, though, in my opinion, this is pure fable.”