Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Orange (Vaucluse, 84)
Subject(s) Roman sanctuary
Author(s) Platter, Thomas II
  Physician from Basel, younger brother of Felix Platter (1574-1628)
Resource type Manuscript
Date 1597
References Platter A λ V, f. 156v°= Keiser 1968, p. 203-204

Keiser 1968 ; Le Roy Ladurie 1995 ; Le Roy Ladurie 2000 ; Lemerle 2003, pp. 17-20 ; Lemerle 2005, pp. 28-31, 95 ; Roumégoux 2009, pp. 215-230


Thomas Platter was the first to describe the remains of the monumental complex located west of the theatre


« Es sinndt gar viel uralte gebeüw (antiquitates) inn undt außerthalb der statt zebesehen. Erstlich der überrest von dem überhauß stattlichen (theatro) schauwplatz, welcher halb rundt, unndt noch ein sehr hohe gewaltige mauren auf der seiten mitt gefencknußen, von kleinen vierecketen steinen unndt auch grossen quaderstucken erbauwen, welches gebeüw sie auf ihr sprach le Circ nennen. Man vermeinet, in gantz Frankreich seye kein stattlichers am gebeüw zesehen, aber woll gäntzere, dann es gar mechtig in abgang gerahten, daß man schier nit mehr merken kan, waß es gewesen ist. »
= “Many very old buildings (antiquities) are to be seen outside the town. Primarily, the remains of the very splendid entertainment venue (theatre), which is semicircular in shape and still possesses on one side a very high, massive wall made of both small stone cubes and large stone blocks and within which there are prison cells. In the local language, it is known as the 'Circ'. It is believed that no other place in France boasts such a magnificent building, though many are more intact; this one is in fact in a such bad repair that one can hardly imagine what it was.”