Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Orange (Vaucluse, 84)
Subject(s) Triumphal arch
Author(s) L’Hospital, Michel de
  Jurisconsult, chancellor of France (c. 1505-1573)
Resource type Printed book
Date 1585
References L’Hospital 1585, « Ad Jacobum Fabrum »

DLF XVIe siècle, pp. 742-744 ; Lemerle 2005, pp. 93-94 ; Roumégoux 2009, pp. 181-183


At the end of the year 1559, Michel de l'Hospital, then chancellor to Marguerite of France, rejoined the latter at Dun-le-Roi, whence he accompanied her to Nice, where she was to meet her new husband, Emmanuel-Philibert, Duke of Savoy. Michel de l'Hospital dedicated his account of this journey to his friend Jacques du Faur, Master of Requests of the Parliament of Paris


« Proximus huic fractas ostendit Arausio magnæ
Urbis opes, et nunc propter monimenta Latini
Nominis, et claros Marii visendus honores
Marmoreus cœloque ingens attollitur arcus :
Fatidicæ spectes in eo prognostica Marthæ,
Ardentemque facem manibus quam virgo gerebat
Commissam Marioque gravem post consule pugnam,
Binaque devicto surrecta ex hoste trophæa. »