Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Saintes (Charente-Maritime, 17)
Subject(s) Miscellanea
Author(s) Zinzerling, Just
  Dutch scholar (1590-1618)
Resource type Printed book
Date 1616
References Zinzerling 1616, p. 147

Maurin 1978 ; Bernard 1859, pp. 1-14 ; Lemerle 2005, pp. 32-33, 101-102

Remarks Zinzerling stayed in France from 1612 to 1616

« Antiquitatem urbis, & quòd Romani hîc degere amarint, testantur operum, quæ excitarunt, reliquiæ. 1. Amphitheatri, prope urbem. 2. Aquæductuum, ex alia parte pariter extra urbem. 3. Arcus in ponte Carantoni antiqui artificii ex prægrandibus saxis quadratis : cui incisa hæc verba, uti adnotavit ea Elias Vinetus Santonus jam ante medium seculum : hodie enim plura abstulit tempestatum injuria : C. IVLIVS. C. IVLI OTVANEVNI. F. RVFVS. C. IVLI. GEDEMONIS NEPOS. EPOSTERO VIDI. PRON. SACERDOS ROMÆ ET AVGVST... AD ARAM QVÆ EST AD CONFLVENTEM PRAESECTVS FABRVM. D. sic exhibet hanc inscriptionem Vinetus. Hodie vix mediam partem literarum agnoscas. »
= “The ancient origins of the town and the favour bestowed upon it by the Romans are attested by the many ancient remains found here, which include: 1) an the amphitheatre, situated near the town; 2) an aqueduct, located, likewise, outside the city; 3) a triumphal arch, situated on the bridge across the Charente River and constructed in the ancient style with large stone blocks. It carries an inscription, noted down by Élie Vinet of Bordeaux in the first half of the century, which today is very damaged by the weather: C. IVLIVS. C. IVLI OTVANEVNI. F. RVFVS. C. IVLI. GEDEMONIS NEPOS. EPOSTERO VIDI. PRON. SACERDOS ROMÆ ET AVGVST… AD ARAM QVÆ EST AD CONFLVENTEM PRAESECTVS FABRVM. D.” This is what Vinet copied. Today, the central part of the inscription can barely be made out.”