Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Poitiers (Vienne, 86)
Subject(s) Amphitheatre
Author(s) Platter, Thomas II
  Physician from Basel, younger brother of Felix Platter (1574-1628)
Resource type Manuscript
Date 1599
References Platter A λ V, ff. 417v°-418= éd. Keiser 1968, pp. 462, 464

Keiser 1968 ; Le Roy Ladurie 1995 ; Le Roy Ladurie 2000 ; Lemerle 2005, pp. 28-31, 102-103


The passages in italics were added by Platter subsequently to the period in which the rest of the text was written (1604-1605)


« Die Römer haben ein schön amphitheatrum oder schauwplatz, Arenat genennet, (neben dem schloß daß der grave von Poictiers lang hernach erbauwen), unndt viel (aquaeductus) waßergäng oder dolen under der erden, so in die 8 meyl wegs von der statt ins amphitheatrum geleitet gewesen, gebauwen, wie man noch ettliche bogen (Arceaux de Parigné vulgi), derselbigen außerthalb der statt sihet, auch die stuck deß schauwplatzes ; sindt aber mechtig zerfallen. [418] Dann man daß waßer durch dieselbigen hatt sollen in den schauwplatz leiten, weil es sonsten in der gantzen statt keine brunnen hatt, sondern daß waßer auf eseln herumb geführt unndt verkauft wirdt. »
= “The Romans had a fine amphitheatre or entertainment venue, called the 'Arenas' (situated near the castle that the counts of Poitiers built afterwards) and they built many (aqueducts) underground water conduits or sewers, which ran all the 8 miles between the town and the amphitheatre. One can still see, outside the town, several arches (known locally as the 'Arceaux de Parigne') [which remain from the aqueduct], as well as bits of the entertainment venue, though these are very dilapidated. Water must have been carried to this entertainment venue by means of these conduits, because there were no fountains in the town; water was sold from the backs of mules who carried it about the town.”