Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Saint-Chamas (Bouches-du-Rhône, 13)
Subject(s) Pont Flavien
Author(s) Zinzerling, Just
  Dutch scholar (1590-1618)
Resource type Printed book
Date 1616
References Zinzerling 1616, pp. 234-235

Bernard 1859, pp. 1-14 ; Mesqui 1981, p. 170 ; Gateau 1996, pp. 281-282 ; Lemerle 2005, pp. 32-33, 88


The 'Pont Flavien' (1st century) comprises a single semicircular arch constructed with large stone blocks. Triumphal arches stand at each entrance. The inscription is slightly inexact, see (CIL, XII, n° 647)


« Hoc egressus [235] transibis pontem, cui utrinque arcus inædificatur, ipsique inscriptum : CEDONIVS C. F. FLAVIVS FLAMEN ROMAE ET AVGVSTI TESTAMENTO FIERI IVSSIT ARBITRATV CEDONEI VENAE ET ATTEI RVFI. »
= “On leaving, you cross a bridge, at each end of which stands an arch bearing the following inscription: CEDONIVS C. F. FLAVIVS FLAMEN ROMAE ET AVGVSTI TESTAMENTO FIERI IVSSIT ARBITRATV CEDONEI VENAE ET ATTEI RVFI.”