
Cataneo, Girolamo
De Tournes, Jean (translator)


Le capitaine...

Imprint Lyon, J. de Tournes, 1574
Localisation Châteauroux, Médiathèque Équinoxe, C 2421

Military architecture

Transcribed version of the text


     In 1574, in Lyon, Jean de Tournes published the French version of Cataneo’s first treatise, the Opera nuova di fortificare which had appeared for the first time in Brescia in 1564 and had been repeated in his later publications (Dell’arte militare libri tre... ; Dell’arte militare libri cinque). De Tournes signed the translation and the dedication which he cleverly addressed to François de Mandelot, the governor of the Lyonnais, during the troubled times of the Wars of Religion. Obliged to go into exile in Geneva, de Tournes reprinted the book in 1600, in French and in Latin.

Frédérique Lemerle (Centre national de la recherche scientifique,
Centre d'études supérieures de la Renaissance, Tours) – 2012

Critical bibliography

A. Cartier, Bibliographie des éditions des De Tournes imprimeurs lyonnais, introduction and appendices by M. Audin and a bibliographical note by E. Vial, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, 1937-1938, n° 562 (reed. : Geneva, Slatkine Reprints, 1970).

M. D. Pollak, Military, Architecture Cartography and the Representation of the Early Modern European City, A Checklist of Treatises on Fortification in the Newberry Library, Chicago, Newberry Library, 1991, n° 7.