Database of texts and images
Of Gallo-Roman antiquities (15th-17th centuries)


Ville Arles (Bouches-du-Rhône, 13)
Subject(s) Theatre
Author(s) Platter, Félix
  Physician from Basel, older brother of Thomas Platter (1536-1614)
Resource type Manuscript
Date 1555
References Platter A λ III, f. 74= Lötscher 1976, p. 225

Kieffer 1892 ; Constans 1921, pp. 278-297 ; Lötscher 1976 ; Le Roy Ladurie 1995 ; Gros 1996, pp. 292-293 ; Lemerle 2005, pp. 89-90 ; Rothé/Heijmans 2008, pp. 287-301


The college of Arles was built on the site of the theatre's stage; in 1664, it was replaced by the Convent of the Miséricorde; the theatre was not identified as such until the second half of the 17th century


« zeigt uns vil antiquitates, darunder seulen, welche gar groß, so von steinen goßen sindt, welche kunst, Valeriola sagt, kente er auch. Wir sachen zwo große, wol 20 ellen lang, st°unden neben einanderen und oben druf ein steinin grab in der vierung beschloßen, ein Römische antiquitet. »
= “We were shown many antiquities, amongst which columns, some very big, made of conglomerated stones, using a technique which Valeriola claimed to know. We saw two huge ones, at least 20 yards long, placed next to each other and, on the surface formed by their tops, there was a stone tomb, dating from Roman times.”